Thursday, July 07, 2011
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Thursday, June 29, 2006
What's this mast then?
I am trying to work out what mast Bandit has. I took a close up of a feint orange logo near the gooseneck on thefront of the mast but it came out quite blurred. It looks like MILL**BAY on the logo but there's not much left of it. The mast and boom are matt black alloy (not carbon) and tonight I will measure the spreaders to see if that helps.
Number 6013?
I bought her as Enterprise 6013 and indeed that's the sail number on the newest sail. Trouble is I can't find a number on the hull and she came with two other mains with much later numbers. She is named "Bandit" and I have asked the Class Secretary for any info he may be able to provide. Hopefully I can get a positive ID at some point and find out which year she was made.
What's the damage Jon?
Last night I stripped the transom fittings, removed the aft buoyancy bags and had a good poke around with a screwdriver. Ho Hum.
Yep that's a hole in the aft port transom! The rot has gone all round the transome frame, transom panel, hull stringers and hull panels for the last 3 inches. The good news is that apart from the decks being rough in a few places thats all I can find (touch wood - or should that be epoxy!).